It’s not about us.

It’s about you.

And it’s about your vision.

For your project.

For your team.

For your business.

At Grants for Growth, we love helping you facilitate that
so that you can bring your vision to life!

But just in case you were actually curious about who we are…

Who we are

Grants for Growth was founded by Maitreya Speering

A Chartered Accountant living with his wife, Ariel, son, Jude, and Maltese Poodle, Otis, in Araluen Estate in Roleystone. 

Maitreya lives and breathes this business and wants to support not only his clients, but his staff on their career trajectories as well. 

This video might tell you a bit more about who Maitreya is as a person and his philosophy towards balancing business and life:

What we believe

We believe in three things at Grants for Growth:


means that if we say we’re going to do something by a certain time, we 100% guarantee that it will get done. Clients trust us because we’re honest, upfront, clear and follow through on our word.


means having totality in your commitment to making things happen. If you want to be innovative, if you want to disrupt industries, if you want to create the future, you HAVE to have determination. Without it, you will fail.


means we listen to you and your needs. We want to understand your business from the inside out and be empathetic towards how you like to do business. We really want to become your trusted advisor by spending time with you and understanding you, your team and your project on a deeper level than ever before.

How we work

We like to work closely with you, forming a relationship of trust from the beginning. 

What we don’t do is simply ask you to fill out a template once a year and then churn out grant applications like a factory. We take the time to sit with you and the appropriate people in your business and interview you thoroughly to get a detailed understanding of the claim up front, which allows us to then work with you to structure a smooth and streamlined process from there.

A lot of grants companies out there are trying to do everything digitally and remove any human interaction. At Grants for Growth, we’re doing the opposite, and ensuring that people are at the centre of what we do. We believe every great business is a human-based business and, so, that’s what we are.

What we really LOVE about working in R&D is getting to work with passionate, enthusiastic, creative, visionary people that have an idea in mind to improve the world and then go about making that happen. It brings us alive to see clients going for it, taking risks and succeeding. We love working directly with founders of small businesses because they are where the business either succeeds or fails.

In terms of WHAT we do, we fund your vision through obtaining successful R&D grants for you. But, we see that as more of a facilitation than anything critical in and of itself. We want to make your dreams happen and we do it THROUGH the R&D tax incentive by helping you get some cash back from the government for taking risks which then enables you to bring your vision to life 3-5 years sooner than you otherwise would have been able to. If we can help as many companies in Australia as possible to achieve this, then we will sleep soundly at night.


“Claiming R&D through Grants for Growth has been easy. You’ve been flexible, encouraging, good value for money, provide advice where needed and also prompt and responsive. I certainly have a lot of confidence in the authenticity of what Grants for Growth does.”

Jon Stockey
Director, Campus Brewing